Friday, March 20, 2009

St. Patricks Day!

St. Patrick's Day was fun! I wore green and so did everyone else! Not sure why. Mom says I don't have a lick of Irish in me but I liked celebrating! We went to dinner with the Koehlers and the Diems! I have fun watching the big kids (Klaus and Caroline) but I really like to look at (and undress apparently) baby Kate. Mommy won't let me play with her yet. I loved the Green beer too! Daddy said that I can't try any yet but the glass sure did intrigue me!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Grand Rapids for the weekend!

Mom and Dad put me in the car for a REALLY long time this past weekend. I didn't like that too much but I got to see a lot of Grandmas and Grandpas and cousins!!
Grandma and Grandpa Laarman have this FUN toy called a keyboard. I was pretty good at it! My favorite button was the one that said "volume." We went to Grandma Lucia and Grandpa Pete's and played with all my cousins. I liked to just watch my cousin Ethan run around... Mom says that he and Michael are going to get me in trouble someday. I was sure was exhausted! We stayed with Grandpa Weemhoff and he and I played A LOT which Daddy and Mommy were thankful for. Hopefully I get to see them all again soon! Mom says that my birthday is "just around the corner" and everyone might come to my house to play!!! I think I am going to like this whole "birthday" thing even though Mommy says the idea of it makes her sad. I don't understand that at all...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hanging out in my yard...

I was looking out the front door yesterday and it felt like Florida!!! I asked Mommy to take me out (by banging continually on the screen) so I got to play in my yard for the first time!! It was 79 degrees (whatever that means.) Dad says that once the grass drys out that I get to crawl around and play wherever I want to!! I can't wait 'till spring time! When I woke up this morning Mommy had to put a sweater on me again so I guess that means no more playing outside for a while. :(

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Look what Mom caught me doing...

I found something new to play with!

I love to walk EVERYWHERE

Now that I have this crawling thing under control I found that I can stand up to almost everything! It is a whole new view from up on my feet! There are all kinds of things that I can get my hands on by creaping along the furniture! Mom and Dad are reorganizing and moving things everyday. My most favorite thing is to walk with them. Sometimes I almost run! Mom hopes that I don't master this too soon. I can't wait though! Just think of all the stuff I'll be able to play with!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm 9 months old!

I am ALL OVER THE PLACE now!! I gave mommy a run for her money while she tried to take these pictures as I really just wanted to crawl away. I love it that I can go anywhere I want to now!